Social aspect of ESG; our contribution towards human rights and equity

Focus areas
- Health and safety
- Employee satisfaction
- Diversity and inclusion
Bruks Siwertell aims to ensure that its personnel have a safe and secure work environment and that our products and services are safe to use, protecting nearby operators; everyone should come home safe and fulfilled at the end of the working day. Safety and security are top priorities and we have several routines to encourage reporting and enable a risk-preventive approach. The challenging, physically demanding, often heavy work environments associated with our installations require clear safety guidelines.
We want to offer an attractive workplace that protects the health and well-being of our personnel. We strive for a fair working environment with an open and transparent atmosphere, where development and growth is adapted to each individual. Bruks Siwertell is committed to promoting equal opportunities, irrespective of background, race, gender identity and expression, religion or sexuality and works to create an inclusive, diverse workplace.

Health and safety - A clear priority
Bruks Siwertell will offer a safe workplace for all personnel. Personnel are encouraged to maintain a healthy and safe working environment by following local regulations as well as internal policies related to safety and the work environment.
Workplaces must be equipped with safety equipment, and for all activities involving health and safety risks, there must be procedures that describe what should be done, how it should be done, when it should be done and by whom. Accidents, incidents and risk observations should and will be reported and analyzed, and result in an appropriate action. Bruks Siwertell has a target of zero workplace accidents. As part of our safety work, we conduct risk analyses to identify potential risks in situations regarding fire, machine stoppages and power outages and for these situations we have established evacuation and action plans to minimize the risk to personnel.
Our equipment is predominantly used in the heavy-industry environment, such as ports, large industrial facilities and in forestry management, which presents a number of risks to personnel. Bruks Siwertell focuses on delivering machines and system solutions that ensure good personal protection and a safe working environment. To minimize risks in the delivery and equipment installation process at a customer’s site, a detailed risk analysis, and planning and division of labor takes place between the customer, Bruks Siwertell and other contractors on site.
“Safety is incredibly important; all our personnel should come home safe and fulfilled after a day’s work”
Peter Jonsson, CEO, Bruks Siwertell Group
System for following-up incidents
As part of Bruks Siwertell’s commitment to personnel health and safety, transparent reporting of incidents and accidents is encouraged, as well as risk-conscious and safe behavior to prevent injuries in the workplace. Incident reports are available at all office units in the Group. Currently the majority of these forms are paper-based and handled manually. The Group is investigating the extension of a pilot project that uses a digital service, accessible via mobile app or computer, to report incidents. Increased reporting enables successful preventive work.

A good working environment
The physical, mental and social work environments are all equally important. We value good leadership and responsiveness in the handling of all issues relating to these. As far as practicable, Bruks Siwertell adapts work environments to personnel needs and strives for them to experience a sense of influence over their work situation. Emphasis is placed on clarity regarding information about work tasks, expectations of work performed, responsibilities and authorities.
We have routines for managing the risk of illness, bullying and harassment, and zero tolerance for discrimination, victimization, harassment and abuse in all forms. Any suspicion of a breach of compliance in these matters should be reported to the immediate manager, human resources or by using the whistleblowing function, which is available on our intranet and external website.
Sick leave is monitored on an ongoing basis for all companies within the Group. In general, sick leave is low. In both 2020 and 2021, the Covid19 pandemic naturally impacted these figures, leading to a slight increase in long-term sick leave. During parts of 2022, Covid-19 has continued to impact these rates, albeit to a lesser extent.

Employee Satisfaction - Focus on personnel engagement
To maintain its position as a market leader and achieve long-term success, Bruks Siwertell is dependent on talented, knowledgeable and committed personnel. It is important that all individuals know and understand the Group’s corporate strategy and how it relates to the work that they do. It is communicated via annual presentations of Group-wide strategic directions and goals, so personnel have a shared understanding of how they contribute to the targeted achievements.
Another key to increasing personnel engagement in their duties at work, is the opportunity for personal growth through skills development. The Group therefore provides personnel with continuous skills development. Training is offered in each office unit, but there are also Group- wide training programs. One example is leader- ship training in situational leadership. This is conducted annually. With the development of digital tools, and their increasing significance in the workplace, communication is carried out using digital tools. A mandatory training initiative is also planned to increase personnel competency using Microsoft Office 365. We will also implement management sessions on inclusion and diversity.
Employee surveys
In 2022, Bruks Siwertell introduced a system for Group-wide employee satisfaction surveys. The results are recorded as an employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS), which is scaled from
–100 to 100. The survey is published quarterly and completed digitally. Nine factors are evaluated and compiled into a total index, and every seconds survey , the eNPS is also evaluated, including the extent to which personnel would recommend their employer to others.
The eNPS value is one of Bruks Siwertell’s new key figures and formulated as an ambitious goal of achieving at least 30 by 2030. A survey indicating our eNPS has only been established once before for the entire Group. It revealed an outcome of 25, demonstrating a positive result with many content personnel within the company. In 2023, the focus will be on evaluating future results, following trends and overall developments at different levels within the Group, divisions and office units, and then putting in place appropriate measures.
“Our new value for measuring employee satisfaction, the eNPS score, will help us evaluate ourselves as an employer”
Katarina Åkesson, HR Director, Bruks Siwertell Group
Diversity and inclusion - A natural part of daily operations
A workplace that values gender equality and diversity is attractive to both customers and personnel. Bruks Siwertell’s overall goal is that our gender equality work should be a natural part of our daily operations, at all facilities and levels within the company. All personnel have and will be guaranteed equal value and the same opportunities within the company regardless of age, gender or gender expression, disability, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation. This should be reflected in our daily operations and in recruitment.
The equal opportunities of all personnel are regulated in our Group-wide equality policy. Information about this policy is available to all personnel. Extended information about the policy will be provided to managers. One of our sustainability goals is for women to hold at least 30% of management roles within the company.

In the recruitment process we encourage applications from all people irrespective of background, race, gender, religion, or sexuality. When recruiting, the succesfull candidate is selected on the basis of their competence and attitude.
Local community engagement
Our offices and manufacturing facilities are part of local communities, with the majority located either in or close to small towns. Through socially responsible behavior, good relationships and active support for local associations, activities and initiatives, we hope to contribute to sustainable community development.

"30% - Our target for the number of women in management roles"