Mobile unloader - Israel

Flexible sulfur handling secured with Siwertell road-mobile unloader
As part of Israel’s Ashdod Port Company’s major expansion plans, the operator needed a new sulfur ship unloading system that could not only secure safety and environmental standards, but could also offer flexible operations. The operator looked to Siwertell road-mobile technology to meet its needs.
Customer need
Ashdod Port Company, based in the Port of Ashdod, on Israel’s Mediterranean coast, has been expanding its operations since 1965. Ashdod’s latest developments have seen the operator need a range of new sulfur handling equipment to support the port’s current and predicted growth.
Sulfur is highly volatile and corrosive, and particularly problematic for dry bulk handling systems once it is contained. However, to protect the environment from dust and spillage, all new sulfur-handling technology at the port needed to offer enclosed material transfers.
With a large proportion of the port’s sulfur handling being taken care of with a high-capacity rail-mounted Siwertell ST 490-M ship unloader, the operator still needed another complementary solution, which could efficiently handle the smaller range of vessels received by the port.
This additional capacity had to offer high degrees of environmental protection and flexibility, with the option of operating in multiple locations. It also had to be capable of safely discharging sulfur from vessels up to 15,000 dwt at a continuous rated capacity of 350t/h.
Our solution
Bruks Siwertell has decades of well-proven experience in sulfur unloading, recognizing this, Ashdod Port Company chose to invest in a Siwertell 15 000 S next-generation, road-mobile ship unloader, which was installed and commissioned in 2022. Performance tests have demonstrated that the unloader meets capacity requirements.
There are no equivalent systems to the Siwertell 15 000 S ship unloader on the market. It is the largest road-mobile unloading system available, and offers high through-ship efficiencies and flexibility.
The Siwertell 15 000 S ship unloader features a double-bellows system to ensure efficient truck loading capabilities. The unit is also fitted with the Siwertell Sulfur Safety System (4S), which detects and extinguishes fires early, shutting down the system to stop their spread, and safely containing them before they become a risk.
Operator training, both theoretical and practical, was conducted during commissioning. The sessions were attended by Ashdod’s five main Siwertell unloader operators, who will pass on the knowledge to other terminal staff. The company also benefits from a planned service agreement with Bruks Siwertell.

- Ship unloading
- Sulfur
Ashdod Port Company
Additional facts
15 000 S NG, road-mobile on semi-trailer, double loading bellows system
Unloading capacity
Maximum ship/barge size
15,000 dwt
Total weight including semi-trailer