Mobile unloader - Israel

Road-mobile unloaders boost sales by 250 percent
Large, high-capacity systems are not the only way to boost operational capabilities. Already benefitting from one Siwertell road-mobile unloader, when Rabia Noufi Ltd required greater capacities with the same mobility and flexibility to meet Israel’s growing cement demand, it did not have to look far.
Cement importer, Rabia Noufi Ltd, based in the port of Haifa in Northern Israel, needed to meet a major upturn in the country’s cement demand. The company had already acquired a second-hand Siwertell 10 000 S road-mobile unloader in 2015, but market demand in 2017 meant a rapid increase in capacity was required.
Flexibility and mobility were essential elements of any system, as Rabia Noufi does not have its own port terminal. It rents space on the port’s jetty when a cement vessel is due, and therefore any unloader it operated needed to be stowed and maintained at a nearby facility when not in use.
The operational efficiency and flexibility that road-mobile unloaders offer, particularly for discharging ships at multiple locations, are often deciding factors.
Satisfied with the performance and reliability of its existing unit, Rabia Noufi turned to Siwertell technology once again and ordered a next-generation 10 000 S trailer-based, diesel-powered road-mobile ship unloader.
The road-mobile unloader is set up and operated by remote control and does not require any installations on the jetty. It is quick and easy to deploy and when the unloading operation is finished the unit is folded and driven back to the customer’s premises ready for its next operation. The dust-free, environmentally friendly operation means that there are also no jetty clean-up costs.
The 10 000 S next-generation unloader was a perfect choice. It now works alongside its older counterpart, offering a rated capacity of 300t/h and discharging vessels up to 10,000 dwt. The additional capacity provided by Rabia Noufi’s second unloader – adding up to a total of around 15,000 metric tons per week – has enabled the company to increase its sales volumes by 250 percent, paying back the investment cost of the new machine within an extremely short period of time.
Both unloaders can be driven to the quayside and set-up in under an hour when a new vessel arrives, before being driven off-site and leaving the quay space free.
In addition, maintenance is more easily managed as both units benefit from the same stock of spare parts, meaning that fewer parts are ultimately needed to maintain the same high level of service availability.
For more information, please contact us

- Ship unloading
- Cement
Rabia Noufi Ltd.
Additional facts
Unloader model
10 000 S, road-mobile on semi-trailer, double loading bellows systems
Unloading capacity
Maximum ship size
10,000 dwt
Total weight