Siwertell ship unloaders and ship loaders can be operated either from a cabin or by using a remote control unit directly from the side of the ship’s hold. On ship unloaders the cabin is mounted on a structure at the same level as the horizontal conveyor arm and it slews in parallel with it. On ship loaders the cabin is mounted at the same level as the loading boom and, again slews correspondingly.
The cabin provides excellent visibility of the dry bulk handling operation and it is possible to enhance this even further with the optional addition of the Siwertell closed circuit television (CCTV) system.

The Siwertell CCTV system is designed to enhance an operator’s overview over the entire dry bulk unloading area including the vessel’s cargo hatch and the surrounding quay.
Live feeds are viewed on a separate full-colour screen monitor, which is adjacent to the Siwertell equipment’s standard human machine interface (HMI) touch-screen monitor in the cabin unit. This provides operators with multiple high-definition, detailed viewpoints.
The CCTV system reduces the potential for dry bulk handling equipment to come into contact with the ship’s hatch covers, coamings or holds, or any other piece of port equipment, limiting the likelihood of damage and enhancing safety. The system also increases the performance of the operator and the efficiency of the operation.
The system’s server is installed in the cabin.
Siwertell CCTV has been developed to offer a number of benefits. These include:
- improved operational overview of the ship’s hold and immediate vicinity around the dry bulk handling equipment
- increased safety
- reduction in the potential for damage and collisions
- remote monitoring
- improved operational efficiency
- increased efficiency
- enhanced insurance coverage
As standard:
- a single server
- a single monitor
- a single keyboard
- software
- an eight-port switch
- two cameras on the vertical conveyor arm
- one camera on the horizontal conveyor arm
Optional extras:
- a camera on the gantry for viewing the jetty conveyor
- two cameras on the gantry for viewing the quayside
For more information, please contact us