Bruks Siwertell is continuously adding to its digital service portfolio, including the use of augmented reality in remote assistance platforms. Through these, and other applications, we are able to support customers remotely with expert, original equipment manufacturer assistance as and when it is needed.


Good service is essential to our role as an original equipment manufacturer and supplier to the industry, and so is our ability to offer an expert-eye as quickly as possible when required. As a result of rapidly developing digital advances, Bruks Siwertell’s service portfolio offers remote expert assistance using a variety of connected platforms, including augmented reality.

Our surveyors can see and experience what operators can via mobile digital devices, such as smartphones and tablets, or through mixed reality goggles such as HoloLens. These visual assistance guides enable technical issues to be addressed with live instructions, and include the ability to write notes and annotate, on a screen, highlighting the parts that need attention.

It is also possible for Siwertell surveyors to communicate with customers by sending video tutorials as an explanation for particular tasks. Additionally, elements such as instructions and drawings can be sent through specific applications.


We are able to combine the wealth of our service expertise with the advantages of new digital platforms. This ensures that customers get simplified, rapid assistance and troubleshooting from an expert Siwertell surveyor, regardless of location. It can also mean reduced inspection times, and potentially remove the costs of a surveyor visit. 

Through the use of digital cameras and the software platforms, visual links quickly reveal issues and immediate guidance can be given to resolve them. This approach increases equipment availability and reduces the introduction of any potentially damaging errors.

An additional benefit is that these new systems overcome any language barriers, with the ability to translate text and other elements through the platforms. Furthermore, videocalls can be recorded and stored as a back-up or used at another time for training, or to refresh an operator as to the correct approach if a similar issue occurs.

We can connect with customers, from anywhere in the world, in whichever way is most convenient to them. For some customers, a phone call is perfect, and for others we can utilize the latest technology. Our support adapts to meet customer needs.


Initial service agreement outlining Siwertell surveyor support. Summary report detailing service investigation. Customer requires an approved augmented reality device, smartphone, tablet or mixed reality goggles; if necessary, an appropriate system can be supplied.