Ongoing commitment to positive change
20 Dec 2019
Bruks Siwertell supports the 17 sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations (UN) in the 2015 Paris Agreement. As part of this responsibility, we focus on the goals related to good health and well-being, gender equality, decent work and financial growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequality, and life below water and on land.
An extension of this commitment are our continuous contributions to humanitarian organizations, including numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs), who put the welfare of people at the centre of their activities.
Sending support to Yemen
The humanitarian crisis in Yemen remains a serious concern. The ongoing civil war has left the country’s population struggling with many causalities and major shortages of food, medicines and clean drinking water. Cholera infections are widespread. Global estimates by UNICEF state that 800 children under the age of five die every day from the effects of the disease, and children who do survive can be left with permanent learning disabilities from prolonged dehydration and the loss of essential salts.
Bruks Siwertell will shortly be sending 4,000 doses of oral rehydration salts to Yemen to help as many children in need as possible. We are sending them to Oman, where our partner, Yemen Co for Industrial Investment, and Mr Haithem Al-Awadhi, have kindly agreed to help us get them through to Yemen and the hospitals in its Hodeida region. We are likely to face numerous logistical challenges, but we are aiming to distribute the supply by the end of this year.
The shipment is being sent together with a spare parts package for two Siwertell ship unloaders, which were installed in 2002. These unloaders operate in the port of Hodeida and handle the import of cereals into Yemen. It is absolutely crucial to the country that these unloaders remain in full operation, as currently Hodeida is the only open port receiving the limited supply of food from abroad.
Contributions to good causes
Bruks Siwertell has also recently made a donation to support the humanitarian work carried out by Save the Children; a charity that helps children in need around the world, targeting resources where they are most urgently required.
Support for other NGOs includes Proyecto Almohada, which helps young people in northern Peru finance their further education. In Germany, Bruks Siwertell has made a donation to the NGO, Villa Kunderbunt, which is dedicated to the provision of childcare for the siblings of hospitalized children, so that parents are able to spend as much time as possible with their sick child.
Aside from our work and donations with these charities and NGOs, Bruks Siwertell continues to contribute to different good causes around the world and supports local sports organizations within the different countries that we operate, helping to promote and provide the health benefits of physical activities for children and young people.
Photo courtesy of Yeowatzup, Wikimedia Commons: Kids in Yemeni capital Sana’a
Please contact us for more information

Marketing Director, Bruks Siwertell Group
Emily 1 Brækhus Cueva
+46 706858023