Terminal - Germany

Unloading in populated areas works excellently
Siwertell was awarded this contract for a river coal terminal in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, especially due to Siwertell’s environment-friendly design. As this installation is located near residential and office buildings, the environmental aspect is crucial
The order was placed with Siwertell in order to enable the renewal of an old port area into a modern office and residential area, while maintaining the supply of coal to the existing Mainova power plant.
With its well proven and environment-friendly barge unloading system Siwertell was able to fulfil the extremely high environmental demands in this exclusive residential and office area. Special attention was given to the architectural aspects in this project because of the exclusive surrounding buildings.
Besides the new unloader, the equipment supply included a belt conveyor and supporting steel structures with the required noise and dust enclosures.
A belt scale and a magnetic separator were also part of the delivery. The scope of supply further included freight, mechanical and electrical erection as well as commissioning and start-up.
The Siwertell continuous, screw-type unloader discharges coal onto a belt conveyor running through a new office building, over a public road and a railway, into the Mainova power plant.
An environment-friendly, continuous unloading operation, is ensured by the totally enclosed conveying system.
For more information, please contact us

- Bulk terminal solutions
- Coal
Mainova, Westhafen
Additional facts
Terminal supply
Siwertell ship unloader, belt conveyor and supporting steel structures, belt scale, magnetic separator
Unloader model
Siwertell ST 490-F, stationary
Maximum ship size
2,500 dwt, width up to 11.5m
Unloading / conveying capacity
Unloader weight