Terminal - Brazil

Loading and unloading in the Amazon river
Siwertell has installed a grain handling system for both unloading and loading of soya beans as part of the floating terminal at Itacoatiara on the Amazon River in Brazil, elaborated for Hermasa Navegação da Amazõnia SA.
The Siwertell continuous screw-type barge unloader, travelling on rails along the length of a catamaran-type pontoon, plays an important role in a floating grain transhipment terminal installed at Itacoatiara on the Amazon River in Brazil.
Mounted on the pontoon, which is 86m long and 35m wide, and serving as a platform for all discharging, handling and loading equipment, is also a ship loader of belt conveyor type - also supplied by Siwertell.
Soya beans arriving in river push barges from Porto Velho on the Madeira River are unloaded at the Itacoatiara terminal and either conveyed into an intermediate storage on-shore, or transhipped directly into ocean-going ships at a rate of 1,500t/h. The terminal system has constant handling 3 millions tons every year for more than 20 years.
The floating terminal concept, which has been elaborated for Hermasa Navegação da Amazõnia SA, provides a useful and efficient link for waterbound transportation, as supposed to the road transportation system used previously to take soya beans from the hinterland of Brazil to export harbours.
Siwertell was chosen for the project in order to ensure environment-friendly and efficient transhipment operation.
Main measures of barge unloader
Length of vertical arm 8m
Length of horizontal arm 13m
Rail gauge 7m
Height rail/horizontal arm 5.68m
Weight 152t
For more information, please contact us

- Bulk terminal solutions
- Grain
Hermasa Navegação da Amazônia S.A.
Additional facts
Terminal supply
Siwertell barge unloader and ship loader mounted on a catamaran-type pontoon
Unloader model
Siwertell ST 790-F, rail-mounted
Maximum barge size to unload
2,250 dwt
Unloading/loading capacity
Ship loader model
Belt conveyor type, stationary
Maximum ship size