Ship unloader - USA

New cement unloader underpins enhanced terminal efficiency
Colonial Group was looking to expand its import capacity and switch from bagged to bulk deliveries of cement at its Georgia Kaolin Terminals, in Savannah, USA. It needed a new, efficient, environmentally friendly unloading system and turned to a Siwertell unloader to achieve it.
Customer need
Colonial Group wanted to expand cement unloading capacity at its Georgia Kaolin Terminals, in Savannah, Georgia, USA. This move would also see the company switch from bagged to free-flowing bulk deliveries of cement.
The terminal therefore needed a new, extremely efficient cement unloading system that would not only deliver the through-ship capacities that the company required, but also address any dust emissions and spillage. The unloader installation is near a historic, very sensitive, downtown location; any industrial activities in the area must comply with strict environmental protection regulations.
Furthermore, the new dry bulk material handling system needed to be a customized solution, as any new equipment needed to be integrated into existing infrastructure, including downstream belt conveyors and bucket elevators that feed the terminal’s silos.
Our solution
Bruks Siwertell worked closely with Colonial and its engineering team to develop a tailored solution that successfully integrates with the terminal’s existing infrastructure.
A Siwertell 490 F-type ship unloader was chosen for the task. It offers high through-ship efficiencies and a rated cement handling capacity of 800t/h, discharging vessels up to 55,000 dwt. The fully enclosed screw-type system now delivers very efficient dust-free cement handling, supporting the company’s strategy for sustainable cement import growth.
The flexibility of Siwertell unloader technology enables it to handle various designs and capacities of geared vessels, and supports the company’s switch from bagged cement deliveries to bulk.
A Siwertell unloader maintains a continuous steady discharge rate, regardless of the level of cargo in the hold, right up to the hold clean-up stage. It is capable of simultaneous pendulum, slewing and luffing motions, enabling the vertical conveying arm to reach all corners of a ship’s hold, even under the hatch coamings. This results in quicker vessel turnarounds and reduced berth occupancy, delivering significant cost savings to operators. Colonial now benefits from this and the terminal’s increased unloading capacity.

Sales Manager, Northern Africa & Europe
Bertil Andersson
+46 705895920
- Ship unloading
- Cement
Colonial Group
Additional facts
Unloader model
ST 490-F
Unloading capacity
Maximum ship size
55,000 dwt
Total weight
302t (incl counterweights)
Material handled