Ship unloader - Philippines

Siwertell unloader duo doubles coal intake for Quezon
Philippines-based Quezon Power Ltd Co was doubling its energy output with the introduction of a new 500 MW supercritical coal-fired power station in Mauban, next to an existing Quezon power plant. Two Siwertell ship unloaders meet demand for a doubled coal intake on an existing weight-restricted jetty.
Customer need
Quezon Power Ltd Co was building a new coal-fired power station, San Buenaventura, in Mauban, the Philippines. The 500 MW facility is the country’s first supercritical power plant and is located next to an existing Quezon power station.
With both power plants online, the operator’s energy output would double. This required Quezon to double its coal intake capabilities to meet an annual demand of around three million metric tons.
The new and the old power plants use the same coal import jetty. However, it has a limited weight allowance. Quezon needed a low-weight, high-capacity unloader, that could share the jetty, rails and conveyors with an existing Siwertell ST 790 D-type unloader, which was delivered in 1998 and has been in operation for almost 25 years.
Environmental responsibility is also a key priority for Quezon and any unloading system also had to offer totally enclosed material handling as no coal spillage is permitted.
Our solution
A second Siwertell ST 790 D-type screw-type unloader was a stand-out choice for this installation. Its high capacity to weight ratio was likely to have made it the only equipment with sufficient capabilities that could be installed.
Siwertell screw-type ship unloaders are also one of most efficient and environment-friendly types of unloaders on the market. They deliver totally enclosed dry bulk material handling, eliminating spillage and dust emissions, and also ensure long-term value from high jetty utilization rates, reliability and the long service life of wear parts.
Quezon’s experience and satisfaction with its existing unloader certainly played a part in it ordering a second one.
Both Siwertell ship unloaders have a continuous rated capacity of 1,400t/h and are able to discharge vessels up to Panamax size. The second unit was delivered, fully assembled via heavy-lift ship, to the site in early 2022.
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- Ship unloading
- Coal
Quezon Power (Philippines) Ltd, QPPL
Additional facts
Unloader model
ST 790-D, rail-mounted
Unloading capacity
Maximum ship size
Total weight