Ship unloader - China

Ship unloader - China

Siwertell unloaders deliver sustainable coal handling in China
A new ultra-supercritical power station in southern China needed extremely efficient coal handling, free from spillage and dust emissions. Previous good experience with Siwertell screw-type ship unloading technology was an important factor in it being chosen once again.
Customer need
A power-generation company in southern China needed a ship unloading system that could continuously and efficiently discharge coal from Panamax vessels up to 100,000 dwt. The equipment had to secure reliable dry bulk handling for the operator’s newly developed, two-unit 1,000MW ultra-supercritical power station.
The new facility is the first phase of an expansion project of an existing power plant in the area.
Any new system had to ensure environmental protection, and therefore had to be enclosed to minimize dust emissions and spillage. It also had to deliver reliable, market-leading through-ship capacities that could maintain a steady flow of fuel to the power station.
Our solution
The customer’s technical and commercial evaluation showed that Siwertell technology was the best option. Siwertell ship unloaders are designed to handle coal and other dry bulk materials in the most environment-friendly way possible, with totally enclosed conveying lines from start to finish, providing an operation free from spillage, and reducing dust emissions to a minimum.
Their proven performance was an important element in being selected for this new development. Therefore, two new large-scale Siwertell ST 790-D-type ship unloaders were ordered and shipped to the site. The units were commissioned at the end of 2022.
The unloaders are rail-mounted and offer a continuous rated coal handling capacity of 1,800t/h, with a peak capacity of 2,000t/h, discharging vessels of up to 100,000 dwt. Performance tests demonstrate that they meet the expected capacities and their new owner’s requirements for extremely efficient coal handling to maintain fuel supply lines and minimize berth occupancy.
They are also much lower in weight than any equivalent capacity equipment, minimizing the load on the jetty and delivering significant cost savings in jetty construction.
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- Ship unloading
- Coal
Additional facts
Unloader model
ST 790-D
Unloading capacity
1800t/h coal
Maximum ship size
100,000 dwt
Total weight