Ship unloader - Morocco

Flexible grain unloading solution
These two grain unloaders were ordered for the port of Jorf Lasfar, in order to increase the terminal grain intake and improve the surrounding environment during operation
These unloaders discharge the grain to a jetty belt conveyor behind the units, however, the unloaders are also equipped with two discharge bellows placed beneath the main beam to allow direct discharge to trucks, when needed.
The discharge bellows are manoeuvred from a platform placed above the main beam to allow good visibility of the operation.
All conveyors and transfer chutes are totally enclosed providing a dust-free and clean operation, independent of type of material handled.
To minimize the dust emission also at the transfer points to the jetty belt and the discharge bellows for truck unloading, each unloader is equipped with two separate dust filters.
The Siwertell units in Jorf Lasfar are operated via a radio remote control, from where the operators have easy control of the operation and different subsystems.
For more information, please contact us

Sales Manager, Northern Africa & Europe
Bertil Andersson
+46 705895920
- Ship unloading
- Grain
Jorf Lasfar
Additional facts
Unloader model
ST 490-F, rail-mounted (2 units)
Unloading capacity
400t/h (each unit)
Maximum ship size
Total weight
253t (each unit)