Ship unloader - Israel

High-capacity unloader serves Israel’s biggest grain terminal
The Dagon grain terminal, managed by Dagon Israel Granaries Company, is the biggest terminal of its kind in Israel and serves the country's growing grain imports. When its existing unloader had reached the end of its service life and needed replacing, the company turned to Siwertell screw-type unloader technology to fill the gap.
When an existing unloading system needs to be replaced, any new unloader has to perfectly slot in with surrounding infrastructure and downward conveying arrangements. When this happens at an incredibly busy import terminal, this can prove to be a challenge. Furthermore, installation usually happens while operations are ongoing, adding to the complexity.
All these challenges existed for Siwertell’s turn-key project for Dagon. In addition to these, the operator was working on a tight budget and it was the first time that Siwertell had installed a high-capacity unloader in Israel. This meant understanding and complying with local laws and regulations, including having to meet a 20 percent ‘local content’ commitment in the contract, to ensure that regional companies are not negatively impacted by foreign investment.
A continuous rated capacity of 1,200t/h was required by the owner and following a review of other available systems, it was decided that the new Siwertell unloader offered the best through-ship capacities on the market.
Siwertell worked closely with the Israel Ports Development and Assets Company to develop a solution that worked well for the Dagon grain terminal, and after about 18 months of team work, it delivered a Siwertell 640M-type, rail-mounted, ship unloader to serve the grain terminal, located in the port of Haifa.
The unit replaces Dagon’s locally built double belt-type unloader and works alongside two smaller pneumatic unloaders.
The Siwertell unloader has successfully met the needs of Israel’s largest grain terminal, comfortably meeting its requirements to deliver a grain handling capacity of 1,200t/h and discharging vessels up to 73,000 dwt. Free service support for two months during the warranty period was included in the contract, along with a service commitment to deliver fast, effective assistance during the unloader’s first year of operation.
Grain arriving into the port is now discharged via the high-capacity Siwertell unloader and the two existing pneumatic unloaders. The terminal has the capacity to store grain and convey it for onward transportation by railcars and trucks, with the silos operating on a 24-hour-a-day basis, except for religious days.
For more information, please contact us

Sales Manager, Northern Africa & Europe
Bertil Andersson
+46 705895920
- Ship unloading
- Grain
Israel Ports, Development and Assets Co. Ltd / End Customer: Dagon Grain Terminal
Additional facts
Unloader model
ST-640-M railmounted
Unloading capacity
Maximum ship size
73,000 dwt
Total weight
570t (including counterweight and gantry ballast)