Ship unloader - Bulgaria

Increased capacities and a cleaner port
The Port of Bourgas in Bulgaria was in need of increased coal unloading capacity as well as an environment-friendly coal handling system. A screw-type Siwertell unloader was chosen as it’s able to completely fulfill these requirements.
The installation of this unloader has provided the customer with a modernised port, including a cleaner environment. Using totally-enclosed conveyors and therefore not having to deal with any spillage at all is of course also a detail leading to great cost-efficiency.
After discharging the coal from ships, the material is transferred to a stock pile behind the unloader, but it can also be reclaimed from the stock pile by the unloader.
Main measures
Length of vertical arm 27.25m
Length of horizontal arm 30.50m
Rail gauge length 19.50m
For more information, please contact us

- Ship unloading
- Coal
Port of Bourgas
Additional facts
Unloader model
ST 790-D, rail-mounted
Unloading capacity
Maximum ship size
100,000 dwt
Total weight