Ship unloader - Brazil

Ship unloader - Brazil

Siwertell ship unloader secures Brazilian grain exports
Brazilian operator, Novo Remanso Port Terminal (TPNR), needed to secure reliable, high-capacity ship unloading at its grain export facility on the Amazon River; the good performance of many other Siwertell screw-type ship unloaders operating in the region underpinned TPNR’s decision to also opt for Siwertell technology.
Customer need
Brazilian operator, Novo Remanso Port Terminal (TPNR), needed reliable dry bulk handling equipment to discharge large volumes of agricultural foodstuffs at its grain-handling export site in northern Brazil, on the banks of the Amazon River. The ship unloading equipment needed to be light enough to be mounted on a floating barge, with very good environmental credentials, and offer competitive through-life operational costs.
TPNR also needed its new ship unloader to be in operation as soon as possible and capable of being in service for at least 20 years. Bruks Siwertell has a number of installations in Brazil including four individually owned Siwertell ship unloaders, which serve the buoyant agricultural market, discharging millions of metric tons of grains, cereals, corn and soybean every year. They have also been operating for well over two decades.
Our solution
TPNR opted for a Siwertell ST 790-M ship unloader, fitted onboard a floating barge, which is designed to offer a continuous rated capacity of 1,700t/h for handling soya beans and corn. From the ship unloader, material is conveyed, via belt conveyors, to a storage facility and from here, as required, is transferred to a ship loader that feeds ocean-going vessels for global export.
The operator selected Siwertell ship unloading equipment on the basis of three very strong elements: firstly, Siwertell ship unloaders have many successful references in Brazil for reliably handling all types of agricultural foodstuffs; secondly, they offer very good environmental protection because they have enclosed conveying lines; and thirdly, their through-life operational costs far out-perform all other systems on the market.
High-volume grain handling not only demands reliable equipment, with good operational performance and through-ship efficiency, but on top of that, minimal material degradation. Siwertell systems maintain and ensure the quality of grain shipments by minimizing any dry bulk material degradation through smooth conveying velocities and careful handling.
TPNR’s Siwertell ship unloader is operational and meeting its capacity and operational performance expectations.
For more information, please contact

- Ship unloading
- Grain
Terminal Portuario Novo Remanso S.A.
Additional facts
Unloader model
ST 790-M
Unloading capacity
Maximum ship size
River barge
Total weight